Category Archives: Fish

Sunny Salsa for a Stormy Day

This morning dawned gray, dreary and rainy. It was very hard to get everyone out of bed. I don’t know how your families are coping with Spring Forward- but, ever since last weekend’s time change, we have been struggling. Who knew that one pesky little hour could be so important? Anyway, after rousing- or attempting […]

Cod, it’s good!

The sun is shining and the temperature is over 40 degrees Fahrenheit! Hurray! This past week of weather- complete with an ice storm, unremittingly gray skies and sub-zero temperatures- really got under my skin. So, today’s mild temperatures and bright sunshine are a much needed and welcome respite. But this week, while the weather may […]

The Night I became a Food Terrorist

Tonight I tried a new tactic: I played with a fish recipe, knowing that Tad and I, and likely Julia, would love it. But, knowing my audience, I also cooked a steak for Harrison. Then, I did what any “Tiger Mom” with a picky eater would do; I held that steak hostage. You see, to […]

Of lemons, lemonade and such…

This afternoon I walked my dogs. No big deal, I walk them at least twice a day-some times even three times, three miles a walk, every day, no exceptions- not even blizzards. But, today was different. Today was exciting. Today for the first time in weeks, the temperature was solidly in the mid-40’s and I […]

Keeping everybody happy…

Hi there from the North Pole- oops, I mean, New York. We got more snow today. And, then just to mix it up a bit, the snow turned to sleet, and finally settled into a cold, dreary rain. It was miserable, but at least the temperature rose mid-day to a balmy 40 degrees. But before […]

Remembering to do what I love

Okay, so I survived Thanksgiving…but, as you may have noticed from the silence that has pervaded this blog, not quite the way I would have liked. And then, without nary a day of rest, I went into the gauntlet that is December. I wish that I were a tougher, stronger, more organized, and more type-A […]

searching for gold

A few days ago I called our green grocer to place an order (he delivers-how good is that?!) Michael, the owner, answered the phone. Knowing how much I love fresh produce, he told me I must have the incredible shiitake mushrooms he had just found at market. “Okay, great,” I said. “Send me some.” Later […]

The silver lining meal

My daughter went to school today. Break out the champagne and celebrate! Sounds like a low bar, no? But heck, after the last 3 days, I’ll take it! You see, for the last few days Julia had a little pesky fever that simply would not go away. So, as every mother who has ever had […]

If it’s Wednesday…

Wednesdays are my least favorite day of the week. My schedule is truly nuts and the worst part is: I did it to myself. On Wednesdays I drop Harrison at Middle School at 7:30am and then Julia at the Elementary School at 8:30. Good so far, right? I can hear you thinking, “she’s lost the […]

A Dish for No-Man’s Land Weather

I have always felt that early October in the Northeast is a No-Man’s Land- at least when in comes to menu planning. The weather is unpredictable, but generally neither hot nor cold. The days can reach the mid 70’s and so diving into heavier dishes like chili or pot roast doesn’t feel quite right yet. […]