Category Archives: vegetarian

Sunny Salsa for a Stormy Day

This morning dawned gray, dreary and rainy. It was very hard to get everyone out of bed. I don’t know how your families are coping with Spring Forward- but, ever since last weekend’s time change, we have been struggling. Who knew that one pesky little hour could be so important? Anyway, after rousing- or attempting […]

The Return of the Edgy Veggie

The other day our amazing babysitter Miquele went to our green grocer with instructions to stock up the fridge with fabulous fruits and veggies. When she returned and all the loot was unpacked, I noticed that butternut squash was part of the bounty. “Huh…” I thought to myself, “that’s interesting.” And, then I did not […]

Keeping everybody happy…

Hi there from the North Pole- oops, I mean, New York. We got more snow today. And, then just to mix it up a bit, the snow turned to sleet, and finally settled into a cold, dreary rain. It was miserable, but at least the temperature rose mid-day to a balmy 40 degrees. But before […]

The Bears Have The Right Idea…

As I woke up this Monday morning in the dark-a gloomy start to a cold January day for sure- it hit me: bears have it right. They eat a lot in the fall, take a big nap and wake up in the spring. This strikes me as an incredibly reasonable way to exist right about […]

Suit on up and come play Bridge!

Today was a momentous day. Today I could feel the earth shifting. Today, over lunch (no less!), I started Bridge lessons. Anyone who does not understand the gravity of those words probably never had a mother in a Bridge group. I can recall my mom’s 1970 era bridge group luncheons with crystal clarity. If I […]

The good news is….I’m alive!

Hi all! Well, I made it through the first wave of Thanksgiving week guests and I am alive. Actually, far better than that…I’m even having fun. Truly. I swear. Pinky promise! And, in case you are concerned- or even vaguely interested- Georgie is doing incredibly well as the newest member of our three-ring circus. Each […]

Salad Stars

Today at lunch I had an amazing salad. And, as far as I am concerned, there is nothing quite as tasty. I adore a salad loaded with “stuff” so that every bite is a fabulous mixture of colors, textures and flavors. Yet, salads like this are illusive and rare and I think they shouldn’t be. […]

The countdown begins…

We are less than two weeks away from Thanksgiving and already my internal clock is counting down the minutes to the Big Meal. Thanksgiving dinner has so many moving parts and pieces that warrant (and demand) my complete attention: the turkey itself, the fabulous sides, the multiple desserts, and most importantly, the guests that I […]

Boys will be boys

Wednesday night I had five men over for dinner. It was, of course, a business dinner for my husband. And, it was super easy to cook for. Because, truth be told, men are just big boys and they love the comfort food of their youth. And, if you can spice it up a bit- give […]

Guac to go, Not so!

Well hello there! Has everyone recovered from a wonderful Trick-or-Treat? I don’t know about yours, but both my children were in near diabetic comas yesterday morning from all the fabulous loot they got their hands on Sunday night. And, while the children had a ball with their candy, the adults parked around my kitchen table […]